“Human kindness has never weakened
the stamina or softened the fiber of a
free people. A nation does not have to
be cruel to be tough.” – Franklin D.
TIMESLEDGER | Q 22 NS.COM | MAY 14-MAY 20, 2021
Christine Cruz
“You are wonderful. We will all work together.
Love is more powerful than hate.
We feel your pain. Immigrants together
can achieve anything as family.”
Ramona Acevedo
“Like a phoenix, Lower Manhattan will
rise once again through its diverse
array of delicious food, shopping and
entertainment opportunities, and its
dynamic people.”
Dana Lech
“Stay NY tough and resilient because
you are Lower Manhattan Strong,
Chinatown Strong, Little Italy Strong.”
Tom Beatini
“Come to Chinatown ! Where dreams
begin and traditions continue. To enjoy
the best Chinese food in the country !”
Nancy Ong-russo
“Spread the news, melt away these
pandemic blues, we will make it here
in old New York!”
Brian Lam