Ruschell Boone is a 4 time Emmy nominated and award-winning
Anchor and Reporter at Spectrum News NY1. She joined the station
in 2002 as the Queens Reporter. In 2018, she became a General
Assignment Reporter for the “Live at Ten” newscast and a fill-in Anchor for other broadcasts throughout
the day. Ruschell’s work has been seen worldwide on a number of occasions. In 2018, her interview
with Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez went viral, after her stunning Democratic primary win.
The interview is now featured in two documentaries. “Knock Down the House” on Netflix and “Hillary”
on Hulu. Today, Ruschell is being recognized for her tremendous work and what some are calling her
“must see” reports, during the Black Lives Matter protests in New York City last Summer. Ruschell was
embedded among the protesters in Brooklyn. She conducted multiple, on-the-fly live interviews, while
walking with them for up to 7 hours a day. Ruschell is a very skillful journalist who delivers the news in
a way that pulls the viewers into every story. She is known for her authentic style of compassion, humor
and quick wit.
My Caribbean Anthem
Poem by: James C. Richmond
Over years we toiled, over time as a people;
Looking for common love
We garnered and nurtured our freedoms
Like sunlit crimson rays from above
And thank heaven for new and free Nations as they evolved.
Born from the sweat of our brow, our strong will and heart
Out of the Caribbean struggles,
To a future that we will chart
Like Toussaint, like Nanny the Maroon,
Like Cuffy we’ll do our part.
Like Cecil Rawle, like Tubal Uriah Butler, our heroes who
Broke the yoke of bondage; and for freedom yearned
Ours are the hope of our children yet unborn
Unbridled, unbought, unbossed
A new Caribbean Man, A new Caribbean Woman
So proud, so great and so strong
We sing our victorious hymns and litanies
We speak our poetries
Our common bond like Calypso,
Like steelpan marvelous sound
Common bond like Reggae,
Like Soca, and where cricket lovers abound
The rich lingering ancestral culture bore
A new Caribbean nation to uphold
Unbridled, unbought, unbossed
A new Caribbean Man, A new Caribbean Woman
So proud, so great and so strong
We pledge ourselves to our blessed Caribbean
To our tranquiled white sandy shores
And our tropical earth beyond
O the beautiful blue ocean waves
And our blue mountain peaks
Where our black muddy water spans our birth and speaks
Of our history and the victories we seek
We pledge ourselves to our Caribbean earth
O land that gave us birth
Unbridled, unbought, unbossed
A new Caribbean Man,
A new Caribbean Woman
So proud, so great and so strong.