104th Pct. Blotter Persons arrested in recent police actions as reported by the 104th Precinct included the following individuals: Aug. 11: (Beat 4) Marius Dumitrascu, at Fresh Pond Road, for aggravated harassment, by P.O. Winter. (Beat 3) Rafael Arce, at Cornelia Street, for criminal trespassing, by P.O. Sciame. (Beat 2) Carlos Borges, at Palmetto Street, for assault, by Det. Houlihan. Aug. 12: (Beat 11) Vinicio Mota, at 77th Avenue and 78th Street, for strangulation, by P.O. Caruso. (Beat 3) Angelibel Martinez, at Summerfield Street, for criminal trespass, by P.O. Christian. (Beat 3) Deivis Parra, at Summerfield Street, for criminal trespass, by P.O. Christian. (Beat 5) Mike Matute, at Central Avenue and 64th Place, for driving with a suspended license, by P.O. Douglas. Aug. 13: (Beat 2) Kevin Pinzon, at Woodbine Street, for assault, by Det. Diaquoi. (Beat 8) Josue Reyes, at 65th Place, for grand larceny, by Det. Lodato. (Beat 1) Daniel Kret, at Gates and Grandview avenues, for criminal trespass, by P.O. Hynes. (Beat 3) Mark Yanega, at Wyckoff Avenue and George Street, for theft of service, by P.O. Luo. (Beat 16) John Lides, at 78th Avenue, for menacing, by P.O. Matat. (Beat 3) Michael Colon, at Wyckoff and Myrtle avenues, for theft of service, by P.O. Vitale. (Beat 14) Ismet Akay, at 58th Road, for assault, by P.O. Douglas. Aug. 14: (Beat 4) David Negron, at Fresh Pond Road, for assault, by P.O. Zbikowski. (Beat 3) Ernesto Melendez, at Wyckoff and Myrtle avenues, for theft of service, by P.O. Mazile. (Beat 3) Relyn Estrada, at Summerfield Street, for criminal contempt, by P.O. Farinaccio. (Beat 5) Monique Rota, at 71st Place, for criminal mischief, by P.O. Sciame. (Beat 14) Omari Kingston, at 11 • TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 2014 -SEE 104 BLOTTER ON PG. 28- News From The 112th Precinct COMMUNITY COUNCIL Thanks For ‘Night Out’; Warning On IRS Scams by Heidi Harrison Chain First, I want to thank the community, the businesses, for supporting us and coming out to the National Night Out Against Crime on Aug. 5. It was a very successful event. At the event, I presented certificates to Assistant Chief Diana Pizzuti for every member of Patrol Borough Queens North (PBQN). I also presented to the precinct certificates for every member of the 112th Precinct. It is important to me that our officers know that their efforts are appreciated by the community. So every officer in our command and in PBQN received a certificate of appreciation as a ‘thank you’ to them. I understand from Capt. Judith Harrison, 112th Precinct commanding officer, that these certificates have been distributed to our officers. Unfortunately, I also have to let you know of the return of the phone scams. I was notified this week that people were getting fake calls from the IRS. A day later the IRS issued their newsletter again warning people nationwide of the scams. -SEE 112TH NEWS ON PG. 52- ©Times Newsweekly - 2014 - SCLAFMORE CONSTRUCTION LLC Family Owned & Operated for 30 Years (718) 845-9200 Free Estimates Violations Removed •Kitchens & Bathrooms •Dormers & Extensions •Brick Work •Paving Stones •All Types of Concrete •Custom Built Homes •Residential & Commercial •New Construction •We Do It All! VISIT US AT... SclafmoreConstruction.Com NYC License #1314744 Nassau County License #HO445750000 Long Beach License #5944 Fully Insured RIDGEWOOD OFFICE PRODUCTS CENTER "YOUR ONE STOP SHOP FOR ALL YOUR SCHOOL NEEDS" Free Student/Teacher Discount Card S I G N U P N O W ! EVERYTHING FROM PRE-K TO COLLEGE! Save on Schooll Supplliies!! 67-16 FRESH POND ROAD (Near M Station) 1-718 386-3266 Call For More Information ©Times Newsweekly 2013 – R’WOOD^OFF Full Line of Art Supplies GOT A TOOTHACHE? Need it fixed fast at your convenience? Want quality work at an affordable price? Want clean and sterilized instruments...guaranteed? THEN YOU WANT... Dr. Santa LoCascio ©Times Newsweekly - 2014- DR.^LOCASCIO Try Our New Plan Complete Cleaning Package $9900 (Including X-Rays & Exams) Any Filling, Extraction Or Emergency Visit $9900 We Also Accept Most Insurances. Providing Dental Care For The Entire Family For Over 20 Years Dr. Santa LoCascio D.D.S., P.C. 70-16 Fresh Pond Rd.,Ridgewood, NY 1-718-628-6588 Like Us On Facebook ©Times Newsweekly - 2014 - VILLCASH
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