TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 2014 • 8 COUNCIL SPEAKER POPS INTO F. HILLS Mark-Viverito Surprises Civic by Matthew Van Deventer New City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito made a surprise visit to the Forest Hills Community and Civic Association (FHCCA) meeting last Tuesday, May 13, at the American Legion Continental Post 1424. by Robert Pozarycki After spending her first term in Middle Village, City Council Member Elizabeth Crowley is moving her district office down the road to Glendale. Starting tomorrow, Friday, May 23, Crowley’s district office will be located in The Shops at Atlas Park at 71-19 80th St., Suite 8-303. Since taking her City Council seat in 2009, her office was based at 64-77 Dry Harbor Rd., near Furmanville Avenue. According to Crowley, the new office is located less than a mile from her former base and is “a larger space that will also produce cost-savings in the office’s budget.” “Our new community office provides a larger and more centrally located space that will help my staff and I better serve the people of the 30th District,” Crowley said in a press release Monday, May 19, announcing the relocation. The Shops at Atlas Park can be reached by three bus lines—the Q29, Q47 and Q54. Atlas Park reportedly has agreed to provide free one-hour parking for constitutents paying Crowley’s office a visit. The phone number for Crowley’s district office—1-718-366-3900— remains the same, it was noted. Crowley’s 30th District covers much of Ridgewood, Glendale, Maspeth and Middle Village and sections of Woodhaven and Woodside. Mark-Viverito met City Council Member Karen Koslowitz for dinner at a nearby restaurant and said she is pleased to be “figuring out how we can map productive relationships.” The speaker introduced herself and fielded questions from the group for a few minutes before rushing off to a busy schedule. She commended Koslowitz on the work she’s been doing in Queens, as well its community leaders. “It’s been a real pleasure getting to know Karen, she’s really represented the district so well,” said Mark-Viverito, “and I’ve been getting to know her personally, to hear the concerns that she has and figuring out how we can be supportive.” When Mark-Viverito was first elected, Koslowitz openly did not support the speaker, but Koslowitz stated she is a team player and needed to support her community and get her involved. “I have to take care of my community,” said Koslowitz. “We’re establishing a good relationship and I’m very passionate about that because when politics is over you -SEE FHCCA ON PG. 54- Crowley Leaves Midville For New Glendale Office Opens District Base At Atlas Park •Your PRIMARY Care Physicians •Your MEDICAL SPECIALTY Physicians ©Times Newsweekly - 2014 - DOC^CARE •Extended Hours Monday - Friday PLUS SATURDAY HOURS 718-497-1919 Save this number to your cell phone or make a note of it now. 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