46 I BOROMAG.COM I SEPTEMBER 2016 INTERIOR DESIGN moved to New York at age 17 — and he has little pieces from his culture scattered throughout his apartment. For example, in Peruvian high society, Valcarcel explained, every household has a pair of silver fighting cocks that come in an ashtray. Normally the birds are very big and one would put them on the dining table, a tradition that he calls “very old-fashioned.” His mother gave him a gift of smaller birds without the tray, which Valcarcel says seem more contemporary and less like a piece that would belong in an oldfashioned Peruvian house. They sit on his coffee table. Valcarcel also has two pairs of shoemaker forms (an adult pair and a baby pair) that he found in a little market in Peru. “When I’m in other cities, I try to visit as many flea markets as possible,” Valcarcel said. Here in New York City, he’ll go to flea markets in Chelsea and a thrift shop on Steinway Street in Astoria. He also loves visiting the enormous antique shops in Pennsylvania. While at these markets, he shops both for himself and for other projects that he is working on. When he designs his own and others’ apartments, he starts with looking at the space. “When I walk into a space, I look at the architecture of the space itself, and that to me determines what you’re going to do
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