It is during a normal night in the gym, on your morning run, or out on the ball eld with your friends, when all of a sudden you feel a twinge, a pop, a snap. In a split second, you know something is wrong. Really wrong. You are injured. It happens to us all, no matter how careful or conditioned we may be. Unless physical therapy is your chosen profession or you have signicant training in the eld, this is not the time to be playing Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman.It could very well be a cramp or minimal damage, where the standard RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) protocol might have you feeling good as new in a week; but in these days where bigger, faster, stronger is the name of the game, you could very well be dealing with something that could impact you for years to come, if not cared for properly. So now youhave a diagnosis, and the initial shock has worn o. ink you have moved past the dicult part? ink again. Sometimes the most challenging part of working through an injury is what is happening between your ears. You are stressed out, andanxiety and fear is starting to take hold. Will this aect your work? Signicantly impact your training? Will you have to put o a race/meet/contest/game? Could this change the way in which you view yourself? If physical activity is central to your life, it is completely natural that your injury could aect you mentally and emotionally. So don’t be surprised if you nd yourself angry, upset, or depressed. Identifying those feelings, and adopting strategies to cope with them can be essential to a quick and successful recovery. Understanding and using a few valuable techniques can improve, and sometimes even hasten your recovery. UNDERSTAND THAT YOU ARE INJURED – I know that this might sound silly, but it is really important to understand 1. 38 | BOROMAG.COM | MARCH 2014 and acknowledge that you are, in fact, injured—and you have some limitations aecting your normal activity. Many people, myself included, have grown up active, and have been taught to push through a little bit of pain. We think that if we ignore the problem, it will go away. If I can do a little, I can do a little more. is often results in making the injury much, much worse. e sooner that you fully accept your situation, the quicker you will be able to take control and get the appropriate care. BECOME INFORMED ABOUT YOUR INJURY - Seek out information from your doctors, physical therapists, trainers, and coaches. Anxiety brought on by what is unknown or feels out-ofcontrol can be detrimental to your 2. progress.Do not be afraid to ask questions. A clear understanding of your diagnosis, the proposed course of treatment, the expectations for your progress and recovery, and signs of improvement and regression, can all bring surprising calm and comfort to your rehab journey. is will help you focus and take responsibility. FIND A SUPPORT SYSTEM - Often when we are injured, it is typical to want to pull away from those around us. We feel we canon perform, so we cannot participate. Aday or two of solitude, no problem; A week of isolation, however, is something that might need to be addressed. Don’t be afraid to reach out to friends, trainers, teammates, and coaches while navigating your rehab process. ey can be your sounding board, and a source of comfort and encouragement. Just being present at the gym, practice, or game can provide needed motivation to keep you on the right track. SET NEW GOALS AND IF POSSIBLE TRAIN AROUNDYOUR INJURY - More likely than not, injury is going to change your programming, at least for a little while. is will aect the goals that you have set for yourself, but it shouldn’t eliminate them completely. Confer with your doctor, trainer, or coach and set realistic, attainable goals that correspond with your recovery plan. Depending on the type and severity of your injury, it may be possible for you to train around it. e experts around you can determine if one activity can be substituted for another. Perhaps your focus can shift to balance and strength work instead of speed and agility, or vice versa. DO THE MENTAL WORK - Someday you may be faced with an injury that completely shuts you down. In this case, mental training can be invaluable.As someone who has worked through a signicant neurological injury, I cannot stress enough that this works. I promise you. Small daily periods of time reserved for mentally practicing your sport can keep your neuromuscular connections stimulated, and will aid in your progress once you are cleared for physical activity. STAY POSITIVE - It is in healing as it is in life. You can defeat yourself faster than anyone or anything. Attitude is everything. Staying positive and recognizing small victories will speed up the healing process, make the journey a pleasant one, and reinforce your condence. 3. 4. 5. 6. BODY & SOUL WORK IT OUT Story HAYLEY BRIDGEWATER
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